New opportunities to be part of ESC, this time we have several options to share with you in Estonia!
📅 Volunteering Projects
1.Pärnu Noorte Vabaajakeskus : Info
2.Sauga Avatud Noortekeskus : Info
3.Jõgeva valla Noortekeskus : Info
4.Põltsamaa Noortekeskus : Info
5.Viimsi Noortekeskus : Info
6.Toila Noortekeskus : Info
7.Harku valla noortekeskused : Info
8.Viljandi Avatud Noortekeskus : Info
9.Keila Noortekeskus : Info
10.Kehtna Noortekeskus : Info
11.Rae Noortekeskus : Info
12.Kohila Noortekeskus : Info
About the projects and the organisation:
The NGO Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres (AEYC) is a nationwide umbrella organisation which was founded on November 9th, 2001 with the aim to connect
Estonian youth centres from all over the country. Currently, the association has 88 members with 246 youth centres. AEYChasbeencoordinatingvolunteers since2015. The ESC Volunteering Partnership project “Building brighter futures: Volunteer in youth work” aims to promote opportunities and improve the quality of international youth work, to develop respect and tolerance, to support social and cultural diversity, and to improve competencies for international and multicultural activities and societal life among young people, youth workers, and community members.
During the volunteering service, the participant will be involved in the daily activities of the youth centre and will be, provided opportunities for initiatives and collaboration with associated partners in the hosting community. The participant will be able to co-create their own volunteering journey and contribute with their own ideas and skills.
Working language
English and Estonian*
*Estonian language lessons provided by OLS platform
Selection process
Interviews will be carried out with all of the candidates after they have applied.
Vacancies will be filled as a result of the on going calls as soon as the hosting organisations have selected a suitable candidate.
The sooner you apply the better your chances!
General conditions from indoor to out door activities. Ready to take some initiative over time to contribute to the activities of the youth centre.
Competences in artistic expression and/or experience in sports or music field are very welcomed.
The true will to overcome the possible language barrier with the children and to learn Estonian.
Willing to live in Estonia ,to experience the local life, culture, and Nordic climate.
12month engagements are preferred, but shorter term also possible.
Willingness to work withyoungpeopleaged7-26 year sold.
Able to communicate in English.
Aged18 – 30 years.
For more information CHECK THE INFOPACK provide by the organisation : InfoPack
This project is funded by Erasmus+ programme: accommodation, food, materials, the programme and the travel costs up to the maximum allowed amount are fully covered. No fees.
Smokinya Foundation operates thanks to hundreds of volunteering hours per month and donations.
We ask a contribution of 20 EUR /40 leva/ from all confirmed applicants.
Your donation covers some of our administrative and organisational expenses and supports Smokinya Foundation’s dream to establish youth-run international volunteering and training centre. In case the suggested donation amount is excessive for you, fill in the application form and contact us.
Want to learn about the benefits of our courses? Click here:
Should you have a question, contact us:
This is a learning program. It requires full focus and participation.
Travel reimbursement is only sent to those who fully participate in all phases, including the follow-up and dissemination.
By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.
This program is co-funded by European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
Подкрепата на Европейската комисия за изготвянето на настоящата публикация не представлява
одобрение на съдържанието, което отразява гледните точки само на авторите и не може да се търси
отговорност от Комисията за всяка употреба, която може да бъде използвана за информацията,
съдържаща се в нея.