Фондация „Работилница за граждански инициативи” (ФРГИ) винаги е проявявала устойчив интерес към темата за доброто управление на гражданските организации. През 2020 г. изготвихa и издадоха Стандартите за добро управление на гражданска организация с колеги от гражданския сектор.
G Suite for Nonprofits
Smokinya Foundation has been supported by Google, by providing us with a free plan for non-profits which significantly improves our communication, cooperation and collaboration.
Training, coaching, consulting.
5new – art against the rules
Блог с подкаст за най-новата история на съвременното българско изкуство
Ideas Factory Association
We believe in a world in which full-fledged self-expression will create multiple empowered communities – creators of their own destiny and not its consumers – people who are willing and able to actively make decisions about their futures and than create that future together. We believe that such a world is possible and that it is near.
Egyesek Youth Association
Egyesek was officially registered in 2000, although as an informal group we had been active since 1997, as the youth group of a secondary school’s student council. We organised out-of-school programs for the students. As we had become more and more independent we decided to become a separate organisation. We have done all work on voluntary basis in our free time, using a lot of our own equipment and friends’ help.
Creative Space Training Centre
Creative Space is an innovative Youth Community center which is tested and prepared to host and serv different kind of projects, trainings, exchanges, seminars and voluntary camps, thematic days, sport camps, events, workshops etc. Creative Space is situated in Hollókő which belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage. It is on the top of a hill with amazing view, separated from the village and big-city-life.
Brno Connected
We believe in unique potential of every individual and we aim to support young-spirited people in discovering and fulfilling their personal goals and dreams.
We focus mainly on local and international projects, programmes and workshops. We both create and deliver them or we cooperate with foreign organisations as project partners.
Synergy Lithuania
Sending organisation part of the Synergy network.
Human Resource Development Centre
Център за развитие на човешките ресурси e Националната агенция за България по администриране на Програма „Еразъм+” за периода 2014-2020.
Erasmus+ Programme
The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020.
The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.
Фондация “Смокиня” е акредирирана със Знак за качество от ЦРЧР за осъществяването на проекти по програма Европейски корпус за солидарност.
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ТехСуп България е единствената платформа у нас за технологични дарения за НПО, читалища и обществени библиотеки.
Web Design and Social Media Services