Smokinya Show
Smokinya Show started as an initiative for discovering new and different areas of work. During the first season, which consists of 6 episodes, Vladan hosted 10 guests and discussed many interesting topics.
In the first episode of the Smokinya Show main topic is Good health and wellbeing, but together with his guest Vlad Fedoroff, Vladan touched on many other related topics. We asked citizens of Plovdiv what is the healthy lifestyle during the global pandemics. Our previous volunteer Radostyna also shared her experience in Bulgaria.
The second episode of the Smokinya Show is about Sustainable communities and zero-waste movements. Vladan and Vera discussed reusable products and recycling. Citizens of Plovdiv shared their opinion about recycling and Maryna Klochkova shared her experience in Bulgaria.
The third episode of Smokinya Show gave Vladan and Vladimir a chance to talk about the importance of a community around an idea, interest, and vision people can have together. Vladimir shared the story of Kriva Spitza, an organization situated in Plovdiv, which is promoting bike riding, all around Bulgaria. Citizens of Plovdiv also shared their opinion and Lois Boulet shared his experience in Bulgaria.
The fourth episode of the Smokinya Show is about quality education with an accent on non-formal ways of education. Vladan and Anna discussed problems and difficulties that young people encounter during their education. Citizens of Plovdiv shared their opinion about what is education for them, and how important it is.
The fifth episode of the Smokinya Show is about modern and traditional lifestyles, combining them and living them both. Vladan and Nenko discussed failures and overcoming them, and Nenko shared his story and his opinion on the fusion between two lifestyles. In the end Nenko shared interesting stories about the kingdom of mushrooms, why and how they maybe are sustainable food for future.
The sixth episode of the Smokinya Show is about the Smokinya Foundations history and future . Tihomir shared his story about having idea about Smokinya and turning it into a formal organization. In the end Tihomir revealed the next milestone about the International Training Center, with a small reflection on Catch Your Moment training that happened in July.