PRACTIFY | Youth Exchange in Hungary | Final Article


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🟡 „PRACTIFY“ is a Youth Exchange that was supported by Erasmus+ and held during 24-31 October 2023 in HOLLÓKŐ, Hungary. Participants of the project would like to share their feelings and new skills:

🔸 „It was fun and chill but we still learned a lot. I learned how to stand up for myself, that if i want something i should say it, how to articulate my thought clearly and how to be a good team leader. I recommend this experience because I learned and trained many soft skills of mine that are important in daily life and can be taught no where else.”
– S.P.


🔸 „The overall experience of the project was amazing, I left with a lot of good emotions and friends and it helped me a lot to develop my English skills. The new skills that I take from this project are working with people, socializing and speaking English fluently. I recommend this experience to others because the conditions such as the venue, food, activities and the facilitators are very good and helped me to develop more.”
– Maria

🔸 „The new skills I got from this project are related to communication. I wanted to meet new people and see other cultures. And I recommend this experience to everyone else too because you can really see different people, cultures, foods and etc.”
– Kristiyana


🔸 „The experience was memorable, worthwhile and brought the best out of me. I learnt to adapt to change quickly, react quickly and appropriately in situations and teamwork skills. What attracted me to participate was the desire for personal development, unlocking new knowledge about different cultures and stepping out of my comfort zone. I recommend this to everyone because this way, besides learning many new abilities, learning patience, resourcefulness as well as improving level of emotional intelligence. My language skills improved and my knowledge of different cultures expanded.”
– Damyana

Read more details about the project.
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Website of the organizer: Egyesek Youth Association

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ВАЖНО! Първо прочетете наръчника за успешно кандидатстване.

This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.

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PRACTIFY | Youth Exchange in Hungary | Final Article