APV, 19-22 July (including travel days), Latvia
1 Group Leader + 1 participant per country
Youth Exchange, 14-23 September (including travel days), Latvia
1 Group Leader + 4 participants per country
HUNT, international youth exchange on topics of communication, inclusion and LARP
14-23 September
Countries: Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania and Latvia
HUNT – a week in the woods, redefining constructive dialogue
EU was created through openness not isolation and still is a remarkable project and model for many societies. In exchange of cultures and through the diversity we’ve become richer and stronger.
The basis for openness, tolerance and inclusion is strong identities. Our strength comes from understanding ourselves and perceiving diversity as an opportunity to learn and grow while being put in different challenging situations facing common obstacles.
To understand more what isolation, exclusion, fear and xenophobia creates in our society and how it stops us from growing in order to appreciate the strenght of diversity, we invite you to join us on a unique adventure – the project HUNT.
Each of the participants will become a part of a tribe with a specific role according to one’s personality, with its special skills, tasks and challenges.
To meet and connect with our inner nomads, shamans and the purest part of us, we’ll hike and camp for 7 days in a row, in all kinds of Latvian September weather and terrains. All the cooking will be done by ourselves, the same as gathering of the wood, water and other camping practicalities.
!Important notice! Make sure you are ready and willing to comply with the following:
In this youth exchange there will be only one night indoors with access to a real shower!
Important! Read carefully the info letter below, it contains important details.
This is educational mobility funded by Erasmus+ programme.
That requires commitment. Commitment before, during and after the project.
The program is intensive and challenging.
The program does NOT include cultural and touristic sightseeing.
Get to know all provided information in the info letter before you submit your application form.
Apply only when you know you want to participate and you have the dates of the training available.
General applications are disregarded.
You may want to read some of the testimonials from previous projects related to personal development, empowerment, creativity, employability and outdoors. Click on the following link:https://smokinya.com/about/testimonials/
More information: Info letter
Participation contribution: 50 EUR paid in cash upon arrival at registration in Latvia.
We ask you for a small contribution of 16 EUR (30 leva) for Smokinya Foundation which covers some administrative and organizational expenses. This amount is NON-REIMBURSABLE.
Apply NOW by filling in the form: Application form.
Website of the organizer: Adventure Spirit
Should you have a question, contact us to info@smokinya.com.
This youth exchange is financially supported by the Erasmus+ programme for youth educational mobility.