One of our dedicated volunteers – Yordan, who recently participated in a European Solidarity Project in Croatia has returned to Bulgaria.
Let’s hear his thoughts on the experience:
“Croatia, a country known for its breath-taking beauty, proved to be an incredible destination for my recent journey. As I embarked on a training program in a charming town, I was met with an experience that exceeded all expectations.
From the moment I arrived, I was captivated by the enchanting landscapes, the delectable cuisine, and the warmth of the people I encountered. The training program was an absolute delight, with informative workshops and hands-on activities that enriched my learning journey.
The food was a highlight, with hearty traditional dishes bursting with freshness and authenticity. My mentor, Marija, was truly wonderful, guiding me to explore my creativity and helping me to reach my full potential. The organization of the program was impeccable, ensuring a seamless experience for all participants. The project itself fostered creativity and teamwork, challenging us to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.
Beyond the training sessions, I immersed myself in the rich history and cultural heritage of the area, attending traditional festivals and engaging with the welcoming locals. Croatia, with its beauty and warm hospitality, left an indelible mark on my heart. This journey has not only enhanced my skills but has also opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Croatia is a country that embodies beauty in its landscapes and its people, and there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Embark on this unforgettable journey and let the enchantment of Croatia unfold before your eyes.”
If you’re inspired to step into the shoes of our dedicated volunteers and feel ready for the meaningful journey of volunteering abroad, we invite you to connect with us. Your adventure begins by simply filling out this short form.
Once submitted, we’ll reach out to you shortly to explore together the opportunities that await you on the path of international volunteering.
This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
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