Working with children in holiday center in France – ESC Final Article


One of our long-term volunteers send abroad just came back from a European Solidarity Project in France.
Let’s see what they have to say about it:

The European Solidarity Corps is an EU funding programme for young people wishing to engage in solidary activities in a variety of areas. These range from helping the disadvantaged to humanitarian aid, as well as contributing to health and environmental action across the EU and beyond.

You know similar experience if you’ve already been to one of the youth exchanges that European Union provides in different countries. Youth exchanges are 1 to 2 weeks trainings where you learn about different topics depending on your interests. You can go there since highschool.

After that there are the short term projects – 2 months usually. Then if you like it you can jump in for a long term – 6months to a year program This programs are available for people from 18 to 30 years old.

All this projects provide you with youthpass certificates which is a self-evaluation certificate of the skills you’ve acquired.

The project l chose is working with children in holiday center. This gave me the opportunity to share my background in art, working with kids and learn something about pedagogy as well. I definitely encourage everyone who has interest working with kids to try.
Generally whatever project you engage in you would also be asked to promote the the programs for young people in Europe, which is something l enjoyed, because l have good experience with them as an effective alternative method of education through play and fun and new friendships. During the project you can be asked to promote in different cities or you can take some time aside to travel if you want.🏝🧳

Traveling to a different country is not that easy, of course. l had some challenges. But in the program you have a sending and hosting organization which you can turn to for any questions. Moreover going in the project you start off with a seminar where you meet other volunteers and you’re given some great tips about your stay.

If you like traveling and are interested in cultural exchange and working abroad ESC projects are great opportunity to develop in the area you are interested and gain valuable experience. You have place to stay and some money for food and pocket money so you can relax and enjoy. Usually you have separate room in a apartment with other volunteers so you never get bored as well 😊

Check the european youth portal – which is the official website for applying in the european solidarity corps projects and start applying! 🇪🇺

This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.

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Working with children in holiday center in France – ESC Final Article