Научете повече за Евродеск тук!
In Smokinya Foundation we know if you are here reading these words, it is because you are interested in the European Union and what is happening there. For these reasons, and taking advantage the European Year of Youth, we are more than convinced that you will find the following tips provided by the Eurodesk platform about how to find and apply to opportunities abroad particularly interesting. So do not wait any longer and take a look now! And if you have not heard about Eurodesk, do not worry, click here and discover a new horizon of possibilities!
1. Euroclasses
Considering that they are the future, Eurodesk aims to raise awareness among young people in fields related to the European Union. To this end, Eurodesk has developed an in-depth network across the continent to provide young people with advice, support and guidance on all the opportunities open to them.
In this way, Euroclasses seek to provide impartial and reliable information on such sought-after European topics as those related to the European Solidarity Corps, how to actively participate in the development of EU policies and the promotion of EU values. Volunteering, activism, getting involved or working in the EU are some of the main hot spots that are explained, so check it out and discover not only what you can do for the EU, but also what the EU can do for you. Read more here!
2. Eurodesk Opportunity Finder
Life is complicated, we know, and sometimes it can be really hard to find enough time to sit in a chair for hours or even days and look for opportunities abroad, read the requirements and check if they are reliable. But do not despair. Eurodesk has already thought of everything for you, and in order to make your life easier and more comfortable, they have created a website called Opportunity Finder.
As its name suggests, the website collects, if not all, at least the most important opportunities available in the European Union, as well as those that are not yet open but will be ready soon. Traineeships in EU institutions, bodies and agencies, scholarships, university grants, volunteering within the EU or in third countries, international meetings, e-learning courses and awards are just a small part of what you can find there. So if you have not visited the website yet, do it now! All the formal requirements and the information you need to apply are already summarised, so what more do you need to make a change in your life? Read more here!
3. Time to Move
The Covid pandemic has caused a general collapse in all economic and social activities around the world. However, after almost two years of fighting the effects of the virus, a new normality has returned and with it, all the events that were postponed. In this regard, we would like to invite you to take a look at the planning that Eurodesk is carrying out with its initiative called “Time to Move”.
Compared to other activities, these are much more focused on bringing people together to have fun together thanks to informal gatherings full of crazy activities, while at the same time contributing to raising awareness about EU values and challenges, as well as the international Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, Time to Move is available all over Europe, so you have no excuses if you want to enjoy your free time while learning and working for a better world. And of course, you can always take advantage of these occasions to ask Eurodesk Youth trainers and staff directly about the opportunities you are interested in. Do not be shy and join the crew! Read more here.
4. European Youth Portal
If volunteering is your thing, this is a must for you! Promoted by the European Commission and in close liaison with Eurodesk, the European Youth Portal is there to offer you an official, secure and verified platform where you can find, read and apply to all accredited non-profit organisations across the continent that have published their vacancies looking for new volunteers under the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Programmes.
From Spain to Bulgaria, from Italy to Sweden, it doesn’t matter. You have thousands of options depending on your academic and professional background, your personal interests or maybe just your desire for adventure, inside and outside the European Union.
But that is not all. The European Youth Portal also includes information on job opportunities in various international organisations, short-term volunteering for those who cannot spend a whole year abroad, fundraising and projects for NGOs interested in working on issues ranging from climate change to migration and the latest news on what is happening in the old Europe. We strongly encourage you to visit the website, a few minutes could change the course of your life! Read more here.
As you alredy know, in Smokinya Foundation we are determined to show you all the opportunities that are available for your personal and professional development out there, so if you are interested in these topics but you have doubts, do not hesitate to write us at info@smokinya.com, we will be more than glad to support you. By the way, do not forget to keep an eye on our social media and sign up for our newsletter; Spring is here and it comes full of flowers and more opportunities!
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