Life Skillz – Long term volunteering in Latvia


Jully 2021 – June 2022, Latvia
2 places open for Bulgarians

Life Skillz, Long-term European Solidarity Corps volunteering project
Jully 2021 til June 2022 ( 12 month )
Riga, Latvia
Participating countries:Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic
Deadline for applications: 31 of May

ВАЖНО! Първо прочетете наръчника за успешно кандидатстване.

This is a long-term volunteering and learning program. It requires full focus and participation.
Travel reimbursement is only sent to those who fully participate in all phases, including the follow-up and dissemination.

By applying to this project you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only with informative and popularising purposes.

Smokinya Foundation is happy to announce that our partner Piedzīvojuma Gars in Latvia is looking for 2 motivated and excited Bulgarian participants for the project ” Life Skillz” . This is a long-term volunteering ( 12 month) where the volunteer will be able to explore some great topics like personal development, entrepreneurship, team-work, event management in the beautiful city of Riga.

Then this opportunity is for you if :

-You are between 17 and 30 years old (at the time of the start of the project)
-Ready to commit to this project for a whole year (with a chance to have a vacation/days off to go home for holidays or just travel around)
-You come from Greece, Czech Republic or Bulgaria
-You haven’t participated in any other long term EVS or ESC program
-In need to improve practical life skills
-Willing to gain entrepreneurial skills
-Open-minded and tolerant
-Organised and consecutive
-Flexible and willing to adapt to basic protocols
-Able to work independently and together with others
-Motivated to work on the individual and group development of young people aged 13-25
-Willing to continuously learn new things, reflect and evaluate your own development
-Outdoors and adventures sounds fun to you

If you want a change in your life, invest your time in a enriching project, apply now.


Obligatory pre-departure online meeting:
Come in person to learn about Smokinya, Erasmus+, this project, reimbursement and ask your questions.
Participation is obligatory, an option is to join via Skype / Hangouts apps.

Important! Read carefully the info letter, it contains important details.

This program funded by European Solidarity Corps programme.
That requires commitment. You will be asked to organise a follow-up activity after the program.

Get to know all provided information in the info letter before you submit your application form.
Apply only when you know you want to participate and you have the dates of the activity available.
Travel reimbursement is only sent to those who fully participate in all phases, including the follow-up and dissemination.
General applications are disregarded.

Want to learn about the benefits of our courses? Click here:

More information: Info letter

This project is funded by European Solidarity Corps programme: accommodation, food, materials, the programme and the travel costs up to the maximum allowed amount are fully covered. No fees.

Maximum travel reimbursement for Bulgarians: 275 EUR per person.

What is covered:

– Provide you with an apartment / room (might be shared) with all necessary facilities
– Refund your local travel expenses (up to €30 / month) and provide you with a bicycle to get around the city
– Refund food expenses up to €160 / month + during programs and activities we usually provide meals
– Give you pocket money up to €120 / month
– Hook you up with a mentor in order to make your being here more meaningful
– Arrange a coach to help you reach your goals
– Follow up on your development and constantly provide you with new opportunities and adventures
– Make sure that you receive full health insurance
– Take care of your safety
– Refund you travel expenses to and from Latvia up to €275 (360€ for greek participants)

Apply by filling in the form: Application form.
Deadline for applications: 31 of May

Website of the organizer: Piedzīvojuma Gars

Should you have a question, contact us:

Sign up for our newsletter.

By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.

This program is co-funded by European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
Подкрепата на Европейската комисия за изготвянето на настоящата публикация не представлява
одобрение на съдържанието, което отразява гледните точки само на авторите и не може да се търси
отговорност от Комисията за всяка употреба, която може да бъде използвана за информацията,
съдържаща се в нея.



Life Skillz – Long term volunteering in Latvia