The volunteer will be actively embedded in the multi-ethnic and stimulating environment of Reggio Emilia by exploiting the activities and the network of contacts of YouNet. Learning opportunities: An ESC experience with YouNet allows the volunteers to improve and enhance their knowledge and attitudes through non-formal education means such as interactive workshops, practical laboratories, info days etc., in which the volunteer will take part and help in the organization.
1 PLACE: April 2024 – April 2025 (12 months)
2 PLACE: September 2024 – September 2025 (12 months)
WHERE: Reggio-Emilia, Italy
The volunteers will take care of Erasmus+ and local activities carried out by YouNet in Reggio Emilia. YouNet Reggio Emilia is involved in activities at bot local and international level.
Activities will include:
Implementation of Erasmus+ projects
Linguistic tandems for local population in Reggio Emilia
Activities for raising awareness on Erasmus+ funded projects for young people
Activities in the rural surroundings of Reggio Emilia.
– Between 18 and 30 years old.
– Proactive and creative attitude, organizational skills and problem solving attitude.
– Polish and Bulgarian speaker candidates will have a priority in selection.
– Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential for this role.
For apply: send your CV to this email and download the application form in their website
More info: INFOPACK
This project is funded by ESC programme: accommodation, food, materials, the programme and the travel costs up to the maximum allowed amount are fully covered. No fee
Should you have a question, contact us:
By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.
This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
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отговорност от Комисията за всяка употреба, която може да бъде използвана за информацията,
съдържаща се в нея.