My friends call me Ro, I am passionate about art and science. Since I can remember I have expressed my way of being in some artistic way. Currently through music, I am trying to improve and learn to play the saxophone well; also through acting with a small improvisational theater group; as well as in my free time I am a fan of photography.
I have studied higher scientific studies, and in the future I would like to combine art and science in a non-formal education project or something similar.
My story with Smokinya begins with a global pandemic, it sounds like a bad horror movie, but it has been.
In December 2019, nobody knew what was coming our way. We all planned our near future like any other year of our lives. For me 2020 was going to be an important year, I was going to graduate from University, and I wanted to spend the rest of the year traveling with my backpack on my shoulders and nothing else around Asia … but nothing could be further from reality, a virus arrived , and everyone’s life stopped for a few months.
Life became a kind of challenge in which you had to invent new ways to hang out if you didn’t want to fall into a loop of despair. So I decided to research new ways to travel from home. I started watching videos on the internet about EVS projects.
One way or another I came to the Smokinya website, finally when the situation began to improve I decided to fill out the application to participate in one of their short-term projects.
So, here I am starting a new stage of my life. Short but surely intense. The biggest challenge I face is leaving my fears behind, like traveling completely alone, and in the end I end up being with myself. I hope it will be an enriching and exciting experience. And if I can contribute my crazy ideas in the creation of a cultural event, and my scientific knowledge, as well as my passion for photography.
I hope to continue telling a little more about this adventure soon.
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This program is co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union.
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