offLINE project start – Meet the volunteer Aleksandrs

My name is Aleksandrs. I am 29 and I am from Latvia. I arrived in Bulgaria more than a year ago after leaving my IT job in Latvia. It was an amazing life-changing choice where I started to try new things and discover what I like to do as a job and what should be kept as a hobby but it doesn’t mean I’ve discovered the true answer if there even is one.

At a certain point in 2018, I decided to break out of the continuous lifeless cycle of waking up, going to work/school and back home every day. So, I started dropping things that seemed pointless, boring and just a way of how to fill my time. I can’t say, I am done with changing my old habits as I know many of them are still a burden for me.

I am fighting a fear of mine, I recognize, it is a social fear. As time goes by it feels easier and easier to communicate and interact with people, but it is an endless fight which is a good thing, as I know there is room for improvement. I try to make friendships and connections with people I can feel comfortable around with and talk freely about anything or almost anything.

On the bright side of the spectrum, I love traveling and especially with unplanned routes and unpredictable outcomes. Once a year I go on trips with friends and their friends somewhere outside of Europe, and last year my destination was Morocco. This trip offered me an exciting time with a completely different culture to experience. This year I was on a trip to Jordan and spontaneously me and my fellow travelers decided to go to Israel and Palestine. This trip allowed me to gain an important insight of the situation and inequality in the region.

In Smokinya, in a short period of time, I will be a part of the team I want to continue to organize events with the team, as well as create a big week-long event filled with challenges across entire Bulgaria, for foreigners and locals. As well as gain some experience in the usage of social media from an organizational point of view.

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This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme to support education, training, youth and sport in of the European Union.

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offLINE project start – Meet the volunteer Aleksandrs