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The last days of the camp were filled with preparing the festival, hosting the festival, breaking down the camp and closing the project.

Over the last three weeks, the festival team prepared a concept for the “Mrachenik YOUTHQUAKE” festival. On the last Friday the whole group did the last preparations for the festival together. We handcrafted some decorations and setted up the Art- , Movie- and History Room.

During the festival day, we had a Yoga class, Bingo games, a Goose chase, Portrait drawing, an Open-air concert, a Movie premiere, and Karaoke. The whole day an Art room and a history exhibition about Mrachenik and the school was available for our guests.
We invited the locals to the Mrachenik YOUTHQUAKE and celebrated with them our work and the time we spent there. The festival went on into the night and the people enjoyed the community around the bonfire.

Sunday was a day off, some of the participants used the day to visit other cities like Karlowo or Plovdiv.
On Monday, we disassembled the camp and started to pack our luggage. The participants had to fill out some forms and we had the last closing of the day. In the afternoon, we had the official closing of the project. It was an emotional process of self-reflecting about things we took out of the project and things we left behind us.

The last evening, we were invited to the Glamping Area to enjoy our last night together as a group. We watched a slideshow with the best photos and enjoyed each other’s community.

On Tuesday morning, the team said goodbye to all of the volunteers.
Thanks to their help in in the B.R.I.G.H.T.-Future camp, we were able to do a lot of work and created lots of good memories.
Should you have a question, contact us: info@smokinya.com.
This program is co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
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endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
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