
Smokinya Foundation Newsletter

Smokinya club


Since July the Smokinya Club is progressing and we are happy to have weekly meetings during the evening to share and invite the young people of the community to have a good time around fun activities.
Here is a brief plan of what will happen in September!

Find out more
“Catch Your Moment” - Training course in Bulgaria
July 2021, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Do you want to participate?

Opportunities all around Europe

Aeiphoria - Training Course in Greece
(30 September - 09 October)

This  training  is  an  outcome  of  4 years  of designing and implementing the methodology we have as an organization to support people to come closer to sustainability in 3 ways

Unplugged - Youth Exchange in Greece
(09-19 October)
In a fast way, hyper-connected by technological devices, where everything passes through a screen, work, communication, study; we want to re-explore the ability to unplug for a few days, reconnect with ourselves and others.
Boomerang - Youth Exchange in Greece
(21-29 October)
Boomerang is a 10 days Youth Exchange. Its purpose is to support people to raise their employability. We will do it through playing games and reflecting upon our learning from it. 

Thank you for reading our newsletter!

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Our mailing address is:
Smokinya Foundation, 12 Beethoven Str., Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria

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