Since July the Smokinya Club is progressing and we are happy to have weekly meetings during the evening to share and invite the young people of the community to have a good time around fun activities. Here is a brief plan of what will happen in September!
“Catch Your Moment” - Training course in Bulgaria July 2021, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Do you want to participate?
Opportunities all around Europe
Aeiphoria - Training Course in Greece
(30 September - 09 October)
This training is an outcome of 4 years of designing and implementing the methodology we have as an organization to support people to come closer to sustainability in 3 ways
Unplugged - Youth Exchange in Greece
(09-19 October)
In a fast way, hyper-connected by technological devices, where everything passes through a screen, work, communication, study; we want to re-explore the ability to unplug for a few days, reconnect with ourselves and others.
Boomerang - Youth Exchange in Greece
(21-29 October)
Boomerang is a 10 days Youth Exchange. Its purpose is to support people to raise their employability. We will do it through playing games and reflecting upon our learning from it.