Youth Work’s Worth │ Training Course in Italy

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Youth Work’s Worth: Partnership Development in Italy
📅 Dates: 15 – 20 APRIL 2024
📍 Location: Matera-Altamura
📢 Deadline: March 31, 2024

ВАЖНО! Първо прочетете наръчника за успешно кандидатстване.


Join us in Matera-Altamura, Italy, from April 15 to April 20, 2024, for the “Youth Work’s Worth” Partnership Development Activity focused on Quality and Dissemination in Erasmus+ projects. Hosted by Associazione Link in Italy and Udruženje Svetlost in Serbia, this initiative aims to establish an informal network of partners sharing values and high standards in European youth work, with a primary focus on mobility programs for youth and youth workers.

Goals of the Meeting:

➔Establish an informal network of partners with shared values and high standards in European youth work.

➔Focus on mobility programs for youth and youth workers.

➔Define agreements, considering responsibilities and benefits for both sending and hosting organizations.

Activities and Outcomes:
As a result of the meeting, we plan to:

➔Create a draft website as a platform with a map showcasing partners committed to our approach in youth work.

➔Develop a section highlighting the capacities of each partner for impact and dissemination.

➔Measure the effectiveness of dissemination and impact strategies, assessing outreach at national, European, and global levels.


➔Associazione Link (Italy): A youth organization promoting European values through non-formal education projects. Learn more

➔Udruženje Svetlost (Serbia): Empowering civil society since 2001, focusing on learning and knowledge utilization. Contact:


Participants will have the unique opportunity to stay within the ancient walls of Matera’s UNESCO World Heritage site, the historical center known as “Sassi.” Hotel Sassi offers comfortable rooms, an intercontinental breakfast, and a convenient location, just a 12-minute walk from the train station and the working place at Hubout.

Hubout Contacts:

Mino: +39 3316030491
Emergency: Police 113, Hospital 118

Hubout, a working space managed by the Municipality of Matera, is open to associations and youth groups, located just in front of the train station.

Travel Information:

From Bari Airport: Shuttle bus or train options. Timetables for bus here. Timetables for trains here. Please confirm details before purchasing tickets.

From Other Airports (Naples or Rome): Best option is a bus. Check for the best solution.

Important:Do not purchase tickets before confirming details with the organizers.

Project Details:

Project dates: April 15-20, including travel days.

➔Arrival in Matera by 7 p.m. on April 15, departure in the morning of April 20.

➔Travel, board, and lodging expenses covered by the European fund.

Application Details:

Deadline: March 31, 2024.

Application Form: Click here to access the application form.

This is a learning program. It requires full focus and participation.
Travel reimbursement is only sent to those who fully participate in all phases, including the follow-up and dissemination.

By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only with informative and popularising purposes.

Obligatory pre-departure meeting: – online call or in Smokinya foundation office.
Come in person to learn about Smokinya, Erasmus+, this project, reimbursement and ask your questions.
Participation is obligatory, an option is to join via Skype / Hangouts apps.

This is learning program funded by Erasmus+ programme.
That requires commitment. You will be asked to organise a follow-up activity after the program.
The program is intensive and challenging.
The program does NOT include cultural and touristic sightseeing.
Get to know all provided information in the info letter before you submit your application form.
Apply only when you know you want to participate and you have the dates of the training available.
Travel reimbursement is only sent to those who fully participate in all phases, including the follow-up and dissemination.
General applications are disregarded.

Want to learn about the benefits of our courses? Click here:

This project is funded by Erasmus+ programme: accommodation, food, materials, the programme and the travel costs up to the maximum allowed amount are fully covered. No fees.

Participants’ Contribution:
We encourage personal accountability and ownership of the program and ask for a sliding-scale donation of 50-100 EUR. In any case, apply and do let us know if you face any obstacle.

Should you have a question, contact us:

Websites of the organizers: Italy. .

Apply by filling in the form: Application Form.

➔Apply by 31st of March!

For more information, ask,

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We look forward to welcoming youth workers and individuals with pivotal roles in youth organizations from Program Countries. Please note that participants must be associated with a youth organization, and the application stage requires providing the partner’s OID.

Sign up for our newsletter.

By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.

This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
Подкрепата на Европейската комисия за изготвянето на настоящата публикация не представлява
одобрение на съдържанието, което отразява гледните точки само на авторите и не може да се търси
отговорност от Комисията за всяка употреба, която може да бъде използвана за информацията,
съдържаща се в нея.



Youth Work’s Worth │ Training Course in Italy