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The JM Jazz World Orchestra is a project launched by Jeunesses Musicales International allowing young musicians from all around the world to take part in training sessions, workshops, and finally in a concert tour as a member of the JM Jazz Orchestra.
The session will be in summer 2024. JM Jazz World sessions begin with a week of rehearsals, followed by a 5-7 day international concert/festival tour spanning Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Italy.
The project will be under the artistic leadership of Luis Bonilla (USA), a California raised, Costa Rican trombonist, composer and arranger.
The programme is open to musicians between the ages of 18 and 26 playing: saxophone, trombone, trumpet, horn, tuba, guitar, bass, drums, percussion, piano and vocals and if you improvise, all other instruments are welcome. It is essential that you read sheet music, but the most important thing is your love for jazz!
How to apply
Participants should complete the application form, attaching the following documents:
– a full CV with information about faculty of music, academy and school of music, and experience acquired as a jazz musician;
– a written recommendation from a music teacher professor or similar;
– a signed statement from either your parents, yourself, university, school or a JMI National Member or Associate Section, stating that their travel costs to and from the tour will be covered;
– links to videos with them performing at least 2 different pieces: a theme and an improvisation. The candidates need to be clearly heard, with an important soloist part;
– a copy of their passport.
-During your stay, all accommodation and material needs are provided by JM International. Transportation to and from the session Groznjan must be covered by the participant.
-Musicians must take care of their visas and all other official requirements, as well as ensure they have sufficient pocket money for their private expenses.
-If invitation letters are required please contact JM International once selected.
-You must have a good comprehension of English as all workshops will be in English. Spanish is welcome too.
-Selected musicians must insure their instrument(s), travel and health.
Want to learn about the benefits of our courses? Click here: https://smokinya.com/testimonials/
Apply by filling in the Application Form
Deadline for applications: March 8th 2024
Website of the organizer here
By applying to this course you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. Smokinya Foundation cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.
This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
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отговорност от Комисията за всяка употреба, която може да бъде използвана за информацията,
съдържаща се в нея.