Новото събитие за почистване се случи на 25ти март, като в ревитализацията на брега на река Марица се включиха цели 17 човека!
Кой не обича да се разхожда покрай реката, да се наслаждава на прекрасни гледки и да вдишва миризмата на свежа трева? За това ние се погрижехме за екологичния баланс на града, като го правим по-безопасна и здравословна среда.
Този път, благодарение на усилията на всички участващи, ние събрахме 20 големи торби за боклук и да освободим реката от пласмаса, стъкло, дрехи, керамика, хартийки…
От името на Фондация Смокиня искаме да благодарим на хората които са отделили от своето време да помогнат на Пловдив и природата.
За следващото почиствателно събитие, искаме да сме амбициозни и се надяваме да съберем 25 големи торби за боклук, за да направим брега на реката прекрасно място за прекарване на лятото.
В края на събитието ние отидохме да се насладим на Природонаучен музей заедно и си прекарахме страхотно време научавайки за природния свят.
A new Cleaning Event took place on Saturday, 25th March, in which 17 people revitalized the Maritsza River.
What person does not enjoy walking along the river and taking in the beautiful views and the smell of the fresh grass? This is why we are committed to conserving the ecological balance of the city while making it a safe and healthy environment.
This time, thanks to the efforts of all involved, we were able to fill more than 20 large trash bags and free the river from plastics, glass, clothes, ceramics, papers… From Smokinya Foundation, we would like to thank the people who gave their time to help Plovdiv and the nature.
For the next Cleaning Event, we want to be ambitious, and we hope to collect around 25 large bags of trash to make the river a great place to spend the summer again.
At the end of the event, we went to enjoy the Museum of Natural Science together as group activity and had a fun time learning about the natural world.
Smokinya Foundation follows the UN youth agenda 2030, the 11 Youth goals for EU, and EU strategy in the field of youth to Engage, Connect, Empower. We are committed to contribute in working towards reaching the UN SDGs.
Smokinya Foundation is accredited to carry out Erasmus+ projects in the field of youth, as well as, we are holding a Quality Label for Lead organisation within the programme European Solidarity Corps.
We had a great time helping the nature and meeting new people from around the world. From Smokinya Foundation, we would like to thank everyone who attended the event and contributed to keeping the river clean and helped in achieving seven of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Scroll down to learn more, and click to read details:
This program is co-funded by the Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
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endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. //
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