Phase 1: 13-22 May 2018, Alsotold, Hungary
Phase 2: 20-28 August 2018, Ommen, the Netherlands
Phase 3: 17-24 November 2018, Budapest, Hungary
4 places open for Bulgarians for each phase
Mind, Body, Message – 3 phases training course, building-up on each other and training aspects of entrepreneurship and communication, sharing adaptable tools to work with target groups, staff and network members.
Phase 1: 13-22 May 2018, Alsotold, Hungary
Phase 2: 20-28 August 2018, Ommen, the Netherlands
Phase 3: 17-24 November 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Participating countries: Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Turkey.
ВАЖНО! Първо прочетете наръчника за успешно кандидатстване.
Phase 1 – MIND: We form our core values and message and create a network. We train initiative and creativity by exploring thinking and behaviour patterns. We share self-coaching and outdoor methods. (basic synergy training)
Phase 2 – BODY: We train body awareness to synchronise content and expression. We train entrepreneurial skills by dance techniques. (body movement)
Phase 3 – MESSAGE: We learn to deliver our message by training presentation skills, share tools and techniques of meetings and public presentation. (communication)
The objectives of MIND, BODY & MESSAGE are:
– to share best practice of training and coaching entrepreneurship of youth;
– to improve communication and entrepreneurship skills of youth workers;
– to build NGO capacities for cross-sectoral networking;
– to raise the recognition of non-formal learning and youth work;
– to encourage the dissemination and the creation of international projects among local youth NGOs within Erasmus+
MIND, BODY & MESSAGE shares best practice of the business and adult education sectors with youth workers to support both their colleagues and target groups. This enhances their capacities to engage young people and local stakeholders. They offer youngsters and staff a new perspective of growth and strengthen cooperation among
different sectors which reinforces local support system for both youth and NGOs.
We invite you to apply for and plan participating in all 3 phases.
That way your competences, skill, knowledge and understanding will grow and become complete.
For those who participate in all phases, they will get a coaching session by one of the trainers.
The benefits from that for you can be significant and empowering by having wider impact.
Everybody who commit themselves to the whole project are going to have a possibility to have 3 coaching session.
Read more details in the infopack.
Important! Read carefully the info letter, it contains important details.
This is educational mobility funded by Erasmus+ programme.
That requires commitment. You will be asked to organise a follow-up activity after the program.
The program is intensive and challenging.
The program does NOT include cultural and touristic sightseeing.
Get to know all provided information in the info letter before you submit your application form.
Apply only when you know you want to participate and you have the dates of the training available.
General applications are disregarded.
You may want to read some of the testimonials from previous projects related to personal development, communications skills, leadership, creativity, employability and outdoors. Click on the following link:
More information: Info letter
Participation contribution: 70 EUR per phase paid in cash upon arrival at registration in place.
In total: 210 EUR for all 3 phases. Read more in the info letter.
We ask you for a small contribution of 16 EUR (30 leva) per phase for Smokinya Foundation which covers some administrative and organizational expenses. In total 48 EUR (90 leva).
These amounts are NON-REIMBURSABLE.
Apply NOW by filling in the form:
Apply for all 3 phases MBM.
Deadline: April 12, 2018.
Apply for Phase 1 Mind: 13-22 May 2018, Hungary.
Deadline: April 12, 2018.
Apply for Phase 2 Body: 20-28 August 2018, the Netherlands.
Deadline: July 12, 2018.
Apply for Phase 3 Message: 17-24 November 2018, Hungary.
Deadline: October 11, 2018.
Website of the organizer: Qualitimpact Informal Group
Should you have a question, contact us:
Find us also at:
These training coursed are financially supported by the Erasmus+ programme for youth educational mobility.